Friday 11 February 2011

Target Audience Questionnaire Results!

After gathering all of the questionnaires back in, we sat down together as a group and looked at all of the answers our friends gave us, some of which weren't answered seriously, however we managed to get a clear outcome of what people of that age want to see...

We asked six questions in total, all specifically based around genre and what kinds of films teenagers like to watch, the questions we asked are as follows:

Above is the questionnaire that we handed out.

  1.  Out of the following films, which ones would you be prepared to watch? (Please tick)
o   Inception
o   The Butterfly Effect
o   Looking For Eric
o   Terminal
o   Di Vinci Code
o   Quantum Of Solace
o   Paranormal Activity
o   Taken

     2.     What is your favourite film genre? (Please tick)

o   Comedy
o   Action/Thriller
o   Horror
o   Sci-Fi
o   Romance
o   Psychological Thriller
o   Anime

     3. Why do you like these films?

     4. What is your favourite film of all time?

     5. Are there any films you’re planning on seeing in the near future?

     6. Would you be prepared to watch our opening two minutes of a film in the genre of a psychological       
        thriller? (Please specify why you have made that decision)

The main result from the questionnaire was that the 16-18 year old male favourite genre on average was Action/Thriller, and not far behind that was Comedy. However, as we offered the psychological thriller as an option for them to tick 5 people put this as their favourite genre, which is promising! The last question of the questionnaire was whether they would be prepared to watch the opening of our film, and everyone agreed and said they would, which is great!

Overall the questionnaire was a great success! (:

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