Saturday 2 April 2011

Video Blog

George, Ramtin and myself all had a free period on Friday afternoon, so we thought it would be a good idea to meet up in a quiet area and give you a brief run through on what we've been getting up to for the past month during the production process of Black Out.

Here's a short video blog..

Friday 1 April 2011

2nd Draft Complete!

All of the clips we shot yesterday were brilliant and worked really well with the genre. The new added parts to the storyline seemed to fit in nicely with the overall plot and make the opening a lot more exciting for the viewer to watch. We managed to get all of the clips edited today, with the help of Ramtin, and have now produced the second draft to Black Out on our Youtube account. Some of the cuts still need sharpening, and music needs to be added to the second half along with the first half, but you'll be able to see the new shots we've included.
