Tuesday 1 March 2011

Filming At Riverside!

After successfully gaining permission to film at the station, we were able to commence filming on the set date of the 28th February 2011. We needed a small set of equipment on the day, such as a tripod to keep the camera steady when filming stable shots, and one small hand held HD camera. Sam, Ramtin, George and myself went to Windsor & Eton Riverside after school on Monday to film all of the clips we needed whilst referring back to our recent storyboarding. When we started to film each scene, we found that maybe some of the shots we drew up on the storyboard didn't look as good as we planned, therefore we chose some more interesting angles to demonstrate our skills with the camera! Overall the filming went really well.. We managed to film all of the shots we needed in one evening, and the location worked perfectly for the setting we were aiming at our target audience for 'Black Out'.

Sam also managed to earn some money busking which was quite interesting...

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