We have now reached the point in the production process where we need to start editing all of the footage we have gathered over the past couple of days into our first draft, which we aim to submit as soon as possible so we can gain some feedback and class comments into what we can improve.
Sam and myself aren't very experienced at editing, as we are new to the Media subject this year. However George and Ramtin seem to know what they are doing when it comes to putting footage together on a computer system. At school we are advised to use Final Cut Express which is installed on the schools MacBook Pro laptops. Although this would be convenient for us as we'd have access to the work all the time at school, we thought we'd go with what Ramtin and George think is best, and therefore use George's own personal laptop to edit our opening.
George and Ramtin are experienced with editing programs such as Sony Vegas and Adobe After Effects (AE), this meant that they could work together along with the basic ideas from Sam and myself to experiment with different effects so that the first draft we produce is of a high standard.
We are going to start editing the 1st draft on George's laptop in the next media lesson we have together in school!
We want to create a timelapse effect using AE which we can then simply edit together using Sony Vegas.